Fixed gas fire-extinguishing system
utilizing Novec™1230

Fixed gas fire-extinguishing system – utilizing Novec™1230
As an alternative of fire-fighting system using Halon which is now known as an ozone depleting substance and banned for production, Kashiwa has developed fixed gas fire-fighting system using Novec TM 1230, which maintains the equivalent safety and efficiency to its predecessor.
Fire-fighting agent Novec TM 1230 (FK-5-1-12) is developed by 3MTM in United States for total flooding fire-fighting system.
This agent is regarded as a prospective alternative to Halon 1301.
Features / Advantages
Novec TM 1230 is gasified right after being discharged from the nozzles and extinguishes fires with its cooling affect, not by suffocating effect.
The agent is low toxic and relatively safe to handle.
One of the advantages of the system is space-consciousness. The system needs only two thirds and a half of the gas cylinders needed by CO2 system and N2 system respectively.
The system is environment-friendly (ODP (Ozone Depleting Potential): 0; GWP (Global Warming Potential): 1), has large safety margin (effective concentration is far blow NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level)), and features fast fire suppression to minimize heat damage.
Delivery Record
The system has been delivered to 6 ships so far.